Unblock your team with AI Experts
Create and train AI subject matter experts using the data and documentation you already have.
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Use Cases
Sales & Customer Success
Empower Sales & CS teams with 24/7 instant, accurate answers to customer questions, enhancing productivity and closing more deals.
Do we encrypt data at rest?
How do I reset my demo environment?
Product & Engineering
Automate internal support with AI Experts, allowing product and engineering teams to focus on innovation and reduce interruptions.
Do we use AES-256 encryption?
Do we support OAuth?
HR & People Ops
Provide instant, accurate answers to employee questions, freeing HR to focus on high-impact work and enhancing the employee experience.
Is there a career progression framework?
How do I request time off?
Step #1
Integrate: Connect your company knowledge.
Easily integrate with the tools your team already uses, like Google Drive, Notion, Confluence, Slack and more. Workbounce connects to your existing knowledge so you can leverage it in powerful new ways.
Integrate: Connect your company knowledge.
Step #2
Train: Create AI Experts with your data.
Use Workbounce's intuitive interface to curate knowledge and train AI Experts on key topics. Whether it's competitors, products, processes or policies, create an always-on expert that stays in sync and shares knowledge across your org.
Step #3
Answer: Deliver fast, accurate, answers.
Ask any question in Slack or in the Workbounce app. Get accurate answers powered by AI Experts in seconds, with links to relevant sources. Say goodbye to shoulder taps and waiting on replies.
Step #4
Discover: Uncover knowledge gaps and trends with Topics.
Workbounce analyzes questions asked across your company to uncover trends and insights. See what information your team is seeking, identify knowledge gaps, and continuously improve your Experts over time.
Discover: Uncover knowledge gaps and trends with Topics.